​Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based treatment for young children (age 2-6 years old) with emotional and behavioral disorders that places emphasis on improving the quality of the parent-child relationship and changing parent-child interaction patterns. Children and their caregivers are both seen together in PCIT. PCIT is broken down into two separate phases. The first phase of treatment focuses on establishing and strengthening the relationship with your child. The second phase of treatment will teach you how to manage your child’s behaviors while remaining calm, confident, and consistent. PCIT can be completed within 12 to 20 sessions with consistent attendance and homework completion, though treatment is not time-limited. Treatment is considered complete when you have mastered both sets of skills and rate your child's behavior within normal limits on a behavior rating scale.

Source: www.pcit.org

Desired outcomes of PCIT:

  • Decreased aggressive behaviors, destructive behaviors, tantrums, and defiance
  • Increased feelings of security, safety, and attachment to the primary caregiver
  • Improved attention span, self-esteem, and pro-social behaviors including sharing and taking turns
  • Increased compliance with adult requests, respect for house rules, and behaviors in public settings
  • Decreased parental frustrations
  • Increased parental calmness and confidence during discipline

  • Visit the official PCIT Website for more information

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